Our SAP Testing Automation process is a meticulously crafted sequence designed to ensure the ERP system's robustness and efficiency. It begins with Role-Based Authorization Testing to secure access based on user roles. System Testing follows, assessing the system's performance against predefined requirements. Business Process Testing is then conducted to verify the accuracy of critical workflows. API/Middleware Testing ensures seamless data exchange between system components. Usability & Compatibility Testing confirms the system's user-friendliness and cross-platform functionality. The process culminates with End-to-End Testing, validating the complete transaction cycle. Automated tools, continuous script updates, and monitoring are integral to this process, ensuring adaptability and sustained system integrity.
Ensuring secure, role-specific access
System Performance
Validating against defined criteria
Business Workflows
Confirming operational accuracy
Checking API and middleware functionality
Guaranteeing user-friendly interfaces
End-to-End Testing
Testing complete transaction cycles